Wednesday, October 7, 2009


今天早上6点起身就只是为了参加 Program Rakan Wira Usaha 去那里只是玩无聊的游戏罢了。。。 浪费我的睡眠时间,浪费我的体力,浪费我的精神,浪费我的。。。。 1点半过后又回去上学上到傍晚6点45分。。。。 好累啊!!!!


Today my sister's friend, Amanda, comes to my house yesterday and overnight until Thursday.
They study science together cause they are having exam tomorrow.
Amanda study until like an insane, she keep laugh when she is studying.
Plus that time very quiet and we felt bored. So we decided to hear some songs to relax.
Amanda become a normal people from a insane with listening the music that she loved.

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