Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hari Anugerah Cemerlang

Today me and my sis peiqian follow my elder sis peiee go peiqian school for anugerah camerlang ^o^

my sis school kantin

amanda friend Eliza

The first performance...

my elder sis peiee the money only got RM35 ==

my elder sis peiee friend see mun !! XD cute!!

The final performance~~

me and amanda


amanda and my sis

u see my sis doing what... swt ==''''

Qian : what is this??
Amanda : i draw for u !! XD

Amanda : pei qian ~~~ T^T ( qian leave her alone )

I'm sitting on the tiang, don't misunderstand. I'm not that tall.. :D

like 三大种族 == sis say the star look cacat >.<'' but i think ok lah ...

haha!! my sis at where??


the food is "steal" come back de!!

After we eat finish the food so we wait my mother come to set we back to home....

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