Monday, October 29, 2012

Birthday party /_\

Last Saturday i went to ..cousin's house
That day was her daughter birthday .___.
Yeah..Her daughter call me as 'Yi Po

Become 'Yi Po' already can't accepted..
But image if i go to China..
Saw those cute cute geh kids running around :DD
Then they come in front of me and call me 'PO PO' !!!!
Walao..really JIT SHAO NGMU DOU =____=

Cake cake~ =DDD

This remind me of  my house's hens =v=

This cuttie dog name Snowie XD cute ahhhh!

OMG!Peiqian, What did u done to this dog! T^T 
He look damn sad D=

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Unavailable .__.

When chatting with my friend in FB
Suddenly i can't reply her 
And appear this kind of page and disturb us =_=

But nevermind! 
I'm patient....I CAN WAIT :DDDD
Is just need wait for few minutes and i'm sure my friend sure will wait me!!!
After few minutes...
I click refresh and i saw my friend is already offline .____________.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

During final exam

When during final exam .____.
There must be happen some symptom, like example

- When the exam just left few minutes 

  But you sill got a lot question haven't answer...
  You will realize your hand writing become 
  which is never ever seen in your life!!! °ο°
 Last 5 Minutes! Pictures, Images and Photos

-When you afraid don't have enough time to do

 You use NINJA speed to answer the question!
 The end you still left 1 hour after u done... ̄▽ ̄
Poker face Pictures, Images and Photos

- Paper 1 questions easy as we didn't imagine
  and because of this make us feel relax when having the next paper
  BUT the next paper's question is HARD LIKE SHIT!!!=_______=
haiz Pictures, Images and Photos