Today didnt have school~yeah~I woke up at 9.00am sumthing, after bath, go check whether got homework anot..
of course didnt have homework lar~~ then go switch on my computer~~!! xDaround 5.00pm, I go practice my organ~hehehe...(not the human system organ)after practice organ, nth to do...T-Tthen my second sis suddenly come in and play with me...but oso got with bear bear... =Dalmost faint cuz of the bear bear...its too cute.. hehehe...
Tag 10 human:*Candy*Yuki*Wei Wen*Pei Qian*Michiyo*Mami...*Emon*Xiao Vern*Bear Bear is a "human" too*Pei EeWhy you tagged him/her as number one.Because she is my best friend loh ^0^Do you met number 2 before?YaWhat will you talk when you meet number 3?every thing gua.....
What is the relationship of 4 & 5?
Best friends
What is number 6's favorite singer?stephen chow...dunno spelling correct .anot ...What is number 7's favorite TV show?《不能说的秘密》
Do you talk with number 8?Of cause How does number 9 looks like?super cuteWho is number 10's lover?bear bear
Ha~..ha~..ha~.. Today my sis not at home so i can ply her computer~~Why my sis today not came back??because today my sis want go her friend Michiyo house 过夜~~he~he~he~
After i ply my sis computer until the computer broken...没有啦!!我没有那么坏啦!!我很好心的而且很善良的 ....hahaha!!! joke joke
就算my sis computer 坏了也不是我做的....因为真正玩my sis computer 的人不是我 my mother
Today....我们在淋雨中..........跑步......也算是赛跑 ...........或者是冲凉.....因为被逼要在淋雨中赛跑......还要跑5km.....而且是上下斜玻.......所以我感冒了......啊~~.......啊秋~~~.........啊~~.......啊秋~~~........好冷哦~~ >=<
明天.......就是运动的时候.......也是给 fat people 减肥的时候.......ok lah don't ply liao !!其实明天我的学校有越野赛跑(5km ^^)......this is my first time 去参加
所以很期待明天的到来......但也是最累的一天......i think 2morrow when i come back from school ....我会觉得很累.....累到....
Hello~~ I'm new here~~嗯....不知道要说什么...anyway...I am happy now~~!!Happy for? for my blog lor~~~